Sunday, April 12, 2015

The 20s.

I have recently developed an increasingly alarming addiction to Instagram and Pinterest. Pinterest, because everything there is pretty and oh so cute, and my feed is only updated according to my preferences. Instagram because I like to see all the pretty clothes and places people are at; and to look at strangers's babies *hides* Is it weird? lol... Probably is but am a sucker for babies.
Now speaking of Pinterest, I read over some notes, quotes or whatever you might want to call them about being in your 20s. Most of them said the 20s are our selfish years, were we are old enough to make the right decisions but young enough to make the wrong ones; a time to travel, explore, fall in love, be ridiculous, silly, stupid and young. A lot of us will agree with this, myself included.
So this post is basically me blabbing about MY experience in the twenties so far. OMG am almost 25!!!! *jaw drops* When did I get so old? is 25 old? meh..anyway, here goes.

  • This is when you should be getting an education! A first, second, or third qualification; whatever it is, just get an education. If you're a super student and really enjoy academics, you could easily bag 4 accolades in your 20s. I've gotten my first degree, working on the second, and hopefully before I hit 30 (yikes), I would have either gone through a masters or attained another qualification. I really want to be an ably qualified woman someday (hello Miss (Mrs) Independent). To be able to work anywhere because I have the qualification for it and to really enjoy it. I mean, its all our parents ever hope for when they send us to school, we can only but make the most of it for OUR own benefit. 
  • But there are also some people who can't get an education for one reason or the other, its not the end of the world, education isn't everything (although it sure makes a lot of things easier). Well the 20s are a time to figure out how to be independent. Too young to be fully independent, but too old to be totally dependent on your parents. How can I make money? Should I look for a job? Should I start my own business? These are questions a lot of us are asking ourselves. I'm personally asking myself whether to study further full time or to look for a job. Gosh, so many decisions to be made when all you really want to do is be "silly, stupid and young".
  • That said, the 20s is the perfect time to kickstart your career (yes yes, everybody knows that). But most of us don't often start out working in the field/industry we hoped/wanted to and thats fine; just don't lose sight of where you want to be and settle for anything else. The 20s is a time to dream BIG! If you can conceive it, try it! Apply for the most sort after bursaries, the most lucrative internships and jobs. And even when you constantly get no, atleast you tired.. who knows, you might just be ìt´.
  • Everyone you went to school with is getting married (me inclusive, haha). But really, literally everyone I went to high school is either getting married, is married or is having/has a baby. In the case that you are not getting married, everyone is asking you when you're getting married. You could swear its all the 20s are for..not!
  • First car anyone?! If you're from a typical African home, getting your first car in your teens is something you only ever see on tv (no?). So the 20s is the best time to get one. Your parents might be nice enough to help you pay for one, and lucky for those whose parents actually get them one. But if like me you have to save every last penny to get one, the 20s is the time! Why am I even talking about cars? I don't even have a driver's licence. 
  • Baby fever! Oh my gosh!!! This is a legit diagnosis :P. I speak for every girl, okay maybe not every one. But every other female in their 20s suffers from this warm fuzzy ovaries jumping up and down syndrome whenever they see a (cute) baby. It definitely doesn't help that everyone around you is having babies. You're faced with the feeling of wanting a baby but not being ready for it. Research says the best time to reproduce is between 18 and 25. So it is only natural that our bodies are overly sensitive. However, most of us are either still studying, still not financially independent, are not in stable relationships and are just not emotionally ready for it, no matter how bad our (baby fever) symptoms are. But I'll say, mid to late 20s is the perfect time to become a mother. Your body is 'youthful' enough, you're (hopefully) mature enough and hopefully are engaged to be married or are married (yes, yes, I am a little old school), are  financially secure and can give your child the utmost love and care. Oh, i could go on and on...but all in all
  • the 20s are meant to be LIVED! travel, meet new people, try something new ever so often, eat good food, dress well, spend money that you don't have(:D), create memories and save a little room for the person you want to become in your 30s.

-thats all she wrote-

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Am alive, it's 2015, and am so blessed!

Helllllllloooo world!!!!...or cyber world atleast. Goodness, it feels like forever and a day since I've been here; or written anything! Let's just say I have been busy living and learning.. 
So this is just to let everyone (..or anyone) reading this that I am alive, I am happy, I am blessed and I am ready to keep my blog up to date again! 
Cliche but..please watch this space. More random and 'emosh' posts coming up.

-That's all she wrote-

Oh, and here's proof am alive :P