Thursday, May 30, 2013

Are you content?

"Are you content?" someone asked me that question the other day; something out of a conversation about wishlists. My answer was that i reckon i am. I've been.thinking about it since and i still can't quite decide if my answer was adequate and whether it rang of complete honesty. To be content is defined by some as to be in.a state of satisfaction and by some as being in a state of peaceful happiness. I'll go with the latter.
There are so many things in my life i am grateful for: a great support system and endless love that is my family, great mentors and companions in the form of friends, the lifeline that is Christ and His ever abundant blessings and endless mercies. I attend a great varsity, my grades are were they should be, i am not financially needy, my self-esteem is as its always been, am nothing short of confident and happy with the person that i am. And that gets me thinking, by what standards do we establish being content? is it by academic achievements, possessions, interpersonal relationships or perhaps self image? are you content with where you are? Are you at that place you thought you would be? is this what you envisioned your life would be like 3years ago? well, am in my final year of undergrad, six more months until that degree is mine; am content with that. I still have a lot to figure out about my self before i can commit to someone else; am content with being single. My mom and my siblings are my biggest fans, my pride, my everything; i am most blessed to.have them. I like to think my dad's looking down on me from heaven; am content with the thought that i'll forever have him with me. Am content with the friends i keep, God bless their souls. All the experiences that have marked my life to date, they've made me the person that i am, taught me some of life's greatest lessons. So in as much as i may want a little more, i mean a car would be nice and straight A's would definitely put a big smile on my mom's face, i am very content with were i am and what i have. Wanting more is what drives us to achieve more and reach greater heights, or atleast it should.
That said, are you content?

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