Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What I Wrote

“Each day means a new twenty-four hours. Each day means everything's possible again. You live in the moment, you die in the moment, you take it all one day at a time...You try to walk in the light.”
    -Marie Lu -
I have been meaning to post something for a while now; but everytime I wrote and typed something up, it somehow ended up in my drafts and never made it to the blog. To say the last few months have been some of the most exciting would be an understatement. I have found myself challenged in so many aspects of my life; finding myself and sometimes also losing myself to indecision and trying to take control of things I cannot change; not right now anyway. I have found myself far removed from comfort, emotionally and physically and it has been a time of growth for me; if I say so myself. I have experienced a love that is everything and more. I have experienced some personal failures; gone through moments of self doubt, but ultimately I have grown.

Just to share some of what has been in my drafts.  Honestly, sometimes when I read what's in my draft box am not really sure what inspired what I wrote (hahaha).

On 07/10/14 I wrote: Pesky Emotions
Sometimes, the things we want the most aren't meant for us; more often than not because what we need is what we get instead. We don't always realise it, not at first anyway. I guess this is what they call hindsight; understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened or developed. I am learning this lesson fast, and honestly in ways I still wish I didn't need to experience. You work hard towards achieving something and your efforts don't show. Sometimes it is because you are (I am) not doing enough but sometimes its just because maybe you (I am) doing the right thing at something that is not right or something that is wrong for you(me). Maybe this reasoning is just a way of making myself feel better about things when they dont go or turn out as I hoped; a defense mechanism if you will. It helps cushion the fall, a tourniquet for the inevitable bleeding that's coming. Sometimes you are all you've got, no one else understand you the way you do and ultimately, you should do what you must.

I wrote: Road Trip Musings
The last two weeks have been some of the best, most intense days of my life! So far removed from my comfort zone, yet so deliriously happy! If someone told me I'd be on the road to Venice right now a few months ago, I would have never believed them. But here I am, almost one in the morning,an hour from Chiogga, writing about it. I spent the last few days in the southern coast of Italy; got to see three of the five most scenic and beautiful villages of Cinque Terre. Onto nearby La Reci, through Tellario,to La Spezia, all the way to Pisa! To say I feel absolutely and utterly blessed and thankful to have had the chance to experience all of this would be the understatement of the year; Mr Clouds, you are amazing! I especially loved Monterosso, the early morning swim in the Med sea had me sold, a place I would definitely love to visit again. Dare I say I loved the coast; even though all the mountain passes were not my favourite, the views from the top were so surreal; the true embodiment of breathtaking. Never mind that this vacation begun as a trip to a lake in Munchen; being spontaneously crazy, we left with nothing but what we have in the car, no change of clothes or anything; no fuss, best way to travel. I am keen to see where the next few days lead us.
To the one whose put up with me, been my camera guy and selfie partner, my tour guide, but above all, the reason for all the happiness and joy I feel right now; you have made me feel absolutely loved and made me feel so special, danke, Ich Liebe Dich! There are not enough words or ways to express how thankful I am for you, for us and this amazing experience.

On 14/4/14 I wrote: Musings

If I had a penny for every time I got emotionally frustrated, my piggy bank would be overflowing! Being let down by the very people you'd look to for comfort has got to be one of the most annoyingly frustrating things!!
Sitting in a friend's lounge, my time series analysis assignment on my lap, staring at bits of my treatises that were typed up on my laptop; I had an 'epiphany' Maybe it was the rain pouring outside, or something to do with the soft sounds of The Soil that was playing in the back...or to be most practical, it was what I had been pushing to the back of my mind all day coming to claim it's own.We need not complicate what is simple and simplify what is complicated.
Life must go on; whether we get left behind or we are the ones moving forward, life must and will go on.
